TL,DR: Sign this letter if you would like to keep your delivery costs low, now and into the future.

December 16, 2022

To Whom It May Concern:

Delivery has always been a vital component of New York City’s restaurant ecosystem. Now, as restaurants continue to struggle from the lingering impacts of the pandemic and rising inflation, we need partners like Relay to help us manage and grow our delivery business efficiently and affordably. We the undersigned restaurant operators request that the Department of Consumer & Workforce Protection (DCWP) recognize the differences between Relay and the consumer-facing platforms and amend the proposed delivery worker regulations accordingly.

The truth is that Relay’s operations model is drastically different than consumer-facing third-party delivery apps like UberEats, DoorDash or Grubhub. Much like traditional courier services, they work primarily with independent restaurants – not chains – to help us streamline and fulfill our delivery orders. They do not have a marketing or ordering platform of their own. Their low pricing keeps this necessary fulfillment service accessible to small businesses. And, as business operators, we appreciate the fact that the couriers who work with Relay also earn good wages: Relay couriers earn an average of $30.45/hr., compared to $14.50/hr. that other couriers earn.  

If Relay is required to comply with the new regulations, however, our delivery costs would drastically increase. Unlike other platforms, Relay does not have customers that it can charge an additional service fee to; restaurants will bear the full cost of implementing these new regulations. For many of us, that is a cost that we simply cannot afford.

We therefore ask that DCWP consider the significant adverse impacts to local restaurants and amend the proposed rules by exempting Relay. 

Thank you for your consideration.

Add your signature below:

Signed so far!

Dan Pace, Zucker's Bagels

David Hess, Bondi sushi

Zaki Omar, Atomic Wings

Kate Brisson, Bondi Sushi

Sophie Wyand, Juice Press

Blake Butler, Pickle Hospitality

Nick Kenner, Just Salad

Bella Palterovich, Locanut

Alper Uyanik Harlem Burger Co.

Jordan Feldman Springbone kitchen

Dave Pesso The Hummus & Pita co.

Nuttawut Vee Thai Terminal

Wilfredo Cerrato Weekends Cafe

Jonah Phillips Friedman’s

Orly Reitkop Batata

Rafael Magno Empanada Mama

Micha Magid Mighty Quinn's BBQ


Amanda Scala Calexico Carne Asada

Zabi Arifee Palace Chicken and Grill

Jack Yehya Quinoa Kitchen

Alonso Buendia Amy Thai Bistro

Joel Tietolman Mile End Delicatessen

Scott Gregerson Jet’s Pizza

Matt Post Javelina

Munir Tahir Atomic wings

Keedick Coulter Bobwhite Counter

Peter Katsiaris SVL SOUVLAKI BAR

Ankush Punhani Fine indian dining group

Roberta Pettit Two Boots Pizza

Greg Fanslau AGR Hospitality

Chrsitopher Pugliese

Ryan Huang Restaurant

Hady Kfoury NAYA

Axel Meier SA Hospitality Group

yosef Cohen Lula Bird

Jose Tso Flor de Mayo Restaurant

Kat Lee Restaurant

george tenedios fresh&co

Mark Georgacopoulos INDAY

Jamie Blumberg Glaze teriyaki

Nelson Cho Flor de Mayo

Michael Jacobs Corner Table Restaurants / The Smith

Mohamed Ayadi The Companion NYC icn

Kyujo Chung Kal restaurant