Dear Restaurant Partners,
As you may be aware, the Annual NYC Marathon will be held this coming Sunday, November 3rd. As a result, there will be street closures in the areas along the marathon route throughout the entire day on Sunday. For more information on the marathon, please click here. Please note this will impact many parts of NYC so it is critical to review and see if you will be impacted by the race's route.
The route will be closed to all traffic both on the street and for pedestrian crossings. Please take a moment to review the marathon route by clicking here and consider adjusting your delivery zone temporarily on Sunday so that your deliveries are not crossing the marathon route in any direction. We do anticipate delays if you fail to do so. We also strongly suggest increasing your ETAs to manage customer expectations.
Once the marathon is over, you may revert to your previous delivery zone and ETAs. Again this is only applicable if you are in and around the marathon route or in an area with lots of foot traffic.
Please let us know if you have any questions and we wish you all a safe and successful weekend!
All the best,
Team Relay